Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Meaning of Holiday = Become More Productive in Reading

Holla! I went to Gramedia bookstore with my sister yesterday. As usual, I can't leave without buying some books first =D This time I bought Kedai 1001 Mimpi and three Korean theme books. Not to mention that I met two Korean girls there :D The urge to tell them about Indonesian authors who write korean theme books was there, but consider a few things, I paid my books and left =)

Here is the link to the book I bought, Kedai 1001 Mimpi - Valiant Budi. just in case you want to read the synopsis and interested to buy it, you might want to read reviews from other friends first in Goodreads. It's very helpful,though :D I didn't include the other three because I haven't found the links yet. I will update it here if I have found it.

By the way, I'm free from assignments and exams for a month or so, so I wish I can be more productive in reading and I'm going to rearrange my bookselves in the hope that I'll have some space to put my new books which by the way is getting more out of control from day to day.


  1. yg pertama sm ketiga kyknya menarikk :1 *judge a book by its' cover* hahaha :D

  2. yg ketiga covernya creepy banget lol. ragu2 si belinya, tapi akhirnya beli jg soalnya rada murah lol *ga bisa lihat barang murah sikit*, kalo yang pertama cover papernya kayak yg Oppa&I itu stef^^

  3. wew...masih demam korean-style yaaa... aku juga pengen baca ahhh, yg karangan orizuka atau lia indra, udah punya tapi belum disentuh juga, hehehe

  4. Wah, asik, tinggal tunggur review2nya yaaa~
    Eh, btw entah kenapa aku agak ga yakin sama buku2 ttg korea selain tulisannya Orizuka sama Lia deh. Kecuali uda ada yg bilang kalau ceritanya emang bagus :P

  5. dongsaeng@ unnie juga ragu sebenarnya!tapi ga ada salahnya dicoba baca.Mumpung uda beli,mari unnie yg jadi kelinci percobaannya hhe. Yang Lia unnie uda pesan via OS^^

    mas Ijul@kalau lagi jenuh sama buku2 berat,buku2 korea ini bisa jadi teman yang tepat mas. ringan dan gak perlu berpikir keras =D

  6. hahahha :D:D klo liat buku murah jgn lewatin kesempatannn.. :D:D

  7. lol bener banget. lagipula critanya juga ringan2 aja. keknya tahun ini jg ga bsa baca yg berat2 soalnya lg mau buat skripsi, bisa gila nanti bacanya =D

  8. hihih ;P oohh, ud mau skripsi B) gudluck yah skripsinya, smoga cepat lulusss ;* hihi

  9. thanks stef :* amin2. all the best buat studi u jg ya ({})

  10. ditunggu review Kedai 1001 Mimpi-nya Mei... aku dah nyariin... tapi di Gramedia Ternate belum masuk, jadi penasaran banget pengen baca....

  11. pesan online saja ^-^
    segera dibaca kalau gitu :D
