Monday, April 30, 2012

Been There Done That Got The T-Shirt

Judul : Been There Done That Got The T-Shirt
Penulis : Risyiana Muthia, Visual : Emeralda N.A
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tahun : 2012
Tebal :132hal
ISBN : 978-979-22-8107-1
Sinopsis : Been There Done That Got The T-Shirt
Review :
First of all, aku harus say big thanks to Gramedia karena uda ngirim dua buku yang super sweet,dan salah satunya adalah buku ini. Ini adalah hasil menang kuis Gramedia, berhadiahkan voucher Rp.100.000,00
Isinya superrr kereeeeeen :) :) Gambar-gambarnya menarik, contentnya inspirasional, kreatif dan jujur.

Karena jumlah halaman yang tidak terlalu banyak, aku jadi enggan cepat-cepat 'melahapnya'. Setiap halaman kutelusuri dengan semangat bak anak kecil yang baru belajar membaca. Everything is new and fresh. Sebagai contoh, ada petunjuk bagaimana berkomunikasi dengan bahasa isyarat. << This is so helping me indeed. Dua tahun yang lalu ketika aku sempat mengajar anak TK, bahasa isyarat ini sesekali dipakai dalam proses belajar mengajar, and I felt completely blind about it. Maka dari itu, ketika aku tahu buku ini menyuguhkan cara berkomunikasi dengan bahasa isyarat, I'm so excited c(^-^)9

Banyak hal menarik dalam buku ini yang nggak bisa aku deskripsikan satu-satu, yang jelas, buku ini membawaku kembali masa kecilku dulu, membuka lebar wawasanku, memaksaku untuk berpikir, dan menuntutku untuk tidak terus berada dalam comfort zoneku.

Tell me if I'm not the only person who  popped this buble wrap :D

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." -Mae West

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Immortal City - Scott Speer

Title : Immortal City
Author : Scott Speer
Publication Date : April 5th 2012
Publisher : Scholastic UK Ltd.
Synopsis : Immortal City
Review :
This book is good. But it did not meet my expectation. When I read the synopsis, I couldn’t lie that it took all my attention. Angels live in town with all human? Are you serious? I mean, Wow.. Last book I read about Angel was Guild Hunter series written by Nalini Singh. What I expected was this book could be as fantastic as Angel's Blood. Blame me for hope that much. 

Anyway this book has its own charm. I mean, what is on this book has nothing to do with any other books. It is completely different, new and fresh, and the idea was just amazing.Don’t expect this book is only about love, but it is filled with mystery, revenge, secrets, and all. If I am allowed to imagine, Archangels are like Indonesian assembly or something like that, they have the power over Angels.  

There are two kinds of Angels in the world. True Immortals and Born Immortals. True immortals are truly immortal whereas born immortals can become mortal if their wings are removed. And an Angel can kill another Angel. You would be more surprise when you know that Angels are like celebrities, they are spotted everywhere with their pricey dress, extremely expensive car, etc. Geez, they even have their own news, magazines whatsoever. Sounds weird, impossible, out of question etc? Well, I think that’s the unique part of this book.  

And I bet you will figure out many surprises in this book.I love Jackson Godspeed. I could not find the right word to describe how cool he was. To be honest, I love men with wings rather than fangs. Lol.  Jackson is a very famous Guardian Angel. All guardian angels will pass Commission and will be assigned to protect humans.

Meanwhile, Maddy Montgomery is just a normal kid who lives with her uncle. While other people are crazy about Angels including her friends at school, she doesn’t want to take any part of that craziness. I just love how Maddy has self-control over herself.

“Look,I’m sure there are plenty of girls who would kill to have you sitting at their window tonight. But I’m not one of them.”

“I don’t fall for the money and the charm and the car. It takes a lot more than that.”

I wanna laugh out loud when I read it. She is just that cool and I often found myself admired with her. How she is so tough to face the unfair world, how sincere she is to all people.
Last but not least, Immortal City worths3 of 5 stars false

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Half Blood - Jennifer L.Armentrout

Title : Half Blood.
Series : Covenant #1
Author : Jennifer L. Armentrout
Publication Date : October 18th 2011
Publisher : Spencer Hill Press
Synopsis : Half Blood (Covenant #1)
Review :
Half Blood is really good. Before I read this book, as usual, I read some reviews first. Surprisingly, some readers said the storyline was quite similiar with Vampire Academy. It made me even more curious about Half Blood. I've read Obsidian, a Lux series that written by Jennifer (read the review here : Obsidian) and Obsidian is one of the best book ever for me. You know you have read a good book when you can't put it down no matter how sleepy you are. That's exactly how I felt when I read Obsidian, Divergent, Vampire Academy,etc.

When I read the whole pages, I noticed similarities between HB and VA. But please,why can't we just love this book instead of looking at the bad side? :) Anyway, I don't want to write anything about the similarities, Jeez I couldn't even remember what they are coz I'm too busy loving this book :D :D

So here we begin, there are pure bloods and half bloods. Pure bloods needs to be protected by Sentinels who were trained to hunt and kill daimons. Sounds like they are boss and Sentinels are their servants,huh?

Um..Yes It's a bit like that. But it is not that bad actually, students at Covenant share the same subjects and they own the same right. Anyway, there are strict rules that Pure bloods and Half bloods can't date. If they are found dating, both sides will face death. Half bloods will be trained to be Sentinels, or they could be servants in the homes of the pures. Pure bloods have more options, but they can choose to be Sentinels if they want to.

Alex is a half blood. Three years ago she and her mother ran away from Covenant. Her mother was killed by daimons and drained to death. Aiden found her when daimons were about to eat her alive. When she was back to Covenant, she just knew one thing that she wanted revenge! She wanted to become Sentinel. Aiden then became her instructor. Yeah, you can imagine what will happen right? Aiden is a pure blood. So, although the feeling is mutual, but rules are rules.

"There is nothing wrong with hope,Alex." "But you have to know when to let hope go."

I like Alex but not that much. She is strong, but not so strong, she is smart, but not that smart. I hope to see her change in Pure (Covenant #2). On the other side, Aiden is just like Dimitri ( read : Vampire Academy) He is strong, patient, handsome and more importantly, his body is well built XD

Meanwhile, Seth is just another man in Alex's life. But Seth is really strong and he has godlike power. He could kill daimons without even touching them. Up till now, I'm on Team Aiden ^^v

There are words from Aiden to Alex that remind me to One Direction song 'What Makes You Beautiful'. lol.

"You're so beautiful. So brave, so full of life. You have no idea, do you?"
the lyric :
Baby you light up my world like nobody else. 
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed.
But when you smile at the ground it aint' hard to tell,
you don't know. Oh oh.
You don't know you're beautiful. Oh oh.
That's what makes you beautiful.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Partner - Retni SB

Judul : My Partner
Penulis : Retni SB
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tahun : 2012
Tebal :288hal
ISBN : 9789792280173
Sinopsis : My Partner
Review :
Sudah jatuh tertimpa tangga pula. Itulah yang sedang dialami oleh Tita dan keluarganya. Dari hidup berkecukupan, tiba-tiba hidup Tita harus berubah 180%! Papa masuk bui karena dituduh menjadi dalang korupsi, mama masuk rumah sakit jiwa karena stress parah, dan adik Tita yang tak sanggup mendapat serangan cobaan seperti itu memilih tinggal diluar kota bersama neneknya. Tinggal Tita sendiri yang harus menghadapi cobaan berat ini. Belum lagi semenjak tersebar kabar papa Tita masuk bui, Harry, pacar Tita yang selama ini selalu 'nempel' dengannya tiba-tiba menghilang bak ditelan bumi.

Om Anton selalu membantunya tapi ia tak bisa selalu bersama Tita. Bahkan sahabat-sahabat Tita pun seakan tak lagi punya sahabat yang bernama 'Tita'.

Kepada siapa Tita harus meminta pertolongan?
Kepada siapa pula Tita harus bercerita dan berbagi kesedihannya?

Ketika kita hidup berkecukupan atau berlebihan, yakinlah akan ada banyak yang mendatangi kita dan mengumbar janji-janji persahabatan, tapi ketika kita sedang berada dititik paling rendah dalam hidup kita, belum tentu mereka ada untuk kita. Tapi tentu tak semua sahabat seperti itu. Walau yang ngaku-ngaku sahabat Tita sudah mengambil langkah seribu dari hidup Tita, tapi Tita selalu punya teman-teman yang tulus padanya. Sani dan Butet.

Tita harus cari kerja! Itulah yang dipikirkannya jika ia ingin tetap hidup dan mengurusi papa dan mamanya.
Tak pernah terpikir bahwa ia akan bekerja dengan Jodik, orang yang selama ini mengurus design rumahnya. Tita harus bertahan kerja dengan Jodik yang jutek, Jodik yang cuek dan pedes banget kalau ngomong. 

Tapi ketika dia bertemu Dido yang menawarinya pekerjaan dengan iming-iming gaji besar, apa Tita mau berpaling dan bekerja dengan Dido? Lalu bagaimana dengan nasib Tita yang harus pindah dari rumah besarnya karena terbelit denda dari bui yang bermilyaran banyaknya?

Very recommended :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bella and The Beast - Astrid Zeng

Judul : Bella and The Beast
Penulis : Astrid Zeng
Penerbit : Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tahun : 2012
Tebal : 256
ISBN : 9789792281590
Sinopsis : Bella and The Beast
Review :

Memiliki ayah yang begitu protektif terhadap ketiga anak perempuannya membuat Bella tak pernah berpacaran apalagi bersentuhan dengan yang namanya 'laki-laki.' Tapi secara tak disangka-sangka, ayahnya malah menjodohkannya dengan anak dari sahabat baiknya.

Bukan sang anak yang muncul, malah lelaki berparas menakutkan dan berotot besar yang mendatangi kantor tempat Bella bekerja. Ayah Bella pun menawarkan pada Demetri, si lelaki berparas menakutkan tsb, agar menjadikan Bella sebagai istrinya, yang secara tak dsangka-sangka langsung disetujui oleh Demetri.

Demetri menyambut baik tawaran tersebut. Ia malah terkesan agak tak percaya karena tunangannya saja meninggalkannya karena parut diwajahnya. Ia yakin bahwa selamanya takkan ada wanita yang akan mencintainya lagi.

Bella pun berkenalan dengan Tatiana, istri dari Philp (baca : Suami Sempurna Untuk Tatiana), mereka pun segera menjadi sahabat baik. Menghabiskan waktu liburan bersama membuat mereka semakin dekat dan sering curhat bersama. Tapi siapa yang tahu bahwa Bella sangat polos sehingga tidak tahu bagaimana cara seorang wanita bisa hamil dan memiliki anak? :D

Memiliki masa lalu yang buruk membuat Demetri tidak bisa mencintai Bella sepenuhnya. Perasaan takut disakiti dan ditinggalkan seakan menjadi momok yang terus menghantui hidup Demetri. Bagaimanakah cara Bella menghilang rasa takut yang dirasakan Demetri?

Ketika pasanganmu tidak semata-mata melihat fisik untuk mencintaimu, yakinlah bahwa dia adalah yang terbaik untukmu.
"Parut ini memang mengerikan. Tapi aku tidak takut,Demetri. dan aku tidak keberatan jika harus melihat parut ini sepanjang sisa hidupku."pg.244