Saturday, August 27, 2016

Perempuan Kedua - Dian Kristiani

Judul : Perempuan Kedua
Penulis : Dian Kristiani
Penerbit : Bhuana Ilmu Populer
Hal & Tahun terbit : 340hal & 11 Agustus 2014
Sinopsis : Perempuan Kedua
Review :
Mengapa aku setakut ini pada Daisy? Takut jatuh cintakah aku padanya?                                                           Atau, aku sudah jatuh cinta?
Tak pernah terbayang oleh Pandega bahwa akan ada wanita lain yang menghiasi hidupnya selain istri tercintanya Rara. Tapi Daisy datang begitu saja ketika Pandega begitu merindukan kehangatan dan kemesraan yang seharusnya ia dapatkan dari istrinya. Rara terbaring koma setelah melahirkan anak kedua mereka. Tak ada tanda - tanda kepastian bahwa Rara akan sadar dari tidur panjangnya. 

Daisy adalah anak dari teman baik mertuanya. Parasnya yang cantik menawan menggoyahkan iman Pandega. Selain itu Daisy juga jago memainkan piano, alat musik yang digemari oleh anaknya Arumi. Tak pelak Daisy pun menjadi guru les piano untuk Arumi. Itu berarti rutinitas berkunjung ke rumah Pandega pun dimulai. Bisa ditebak apa selanjutnya yang akan terjadi?

Cinta memang dapat membutakan siapa saja tanpa terkecuali. Entah itu perempuan baik - baik, ataupun laki-laki yang sudah berumahtangga. Tapi apakah cinta itu berarti bahagia diatas penderitaan orang lain? Terkadang saya berpikir seberapa besar sih hati seseorang? Apakah begitu besar sehingga hatinya bisa muat lebih dari satu orang? atau begitu besarnya sehingga ia mampu menerima kenyataan pahit dengan lapang dada? 
Mungkin ini jalan Tuhan, aku dan dia tak boleh bertemu. 
Mungkin juga Tuhan tahu apa yang akan terjadi jika kami bertemu kembali.
Ini buku pertama Dian Kristiani yang saya baca. Gaya penulisannya cukup bagus dan tidak monoton. Tema yang diusung juga menarik. Begitu membaca judulnya, saya langsung tertarik untuk membaca buku ini. Perempuan Kedua ditulis dari dua sudut pandang yaitu Daisy dan Pandega. Dengan begitu kita dapat dengan mudah mengerti isi hati & pikiran mereka. Baca buku ini emosi naik turun, perasaan pun campur aduk. Tokoh yang paling tidak kusukai tentu adalah Pandega yang mengucap sumpah pernikahan untuk mencintai istrinya dengan setia seumur hidup baik dalam suka maupun duka namun  dengan mudah melanggar sumpahnya. Semoga saya tidak bertemu dengan sosok sepertimu ya Pandega :D

Rekomen untuk dibaca bagi yang sudah maupun belum berumahtangga. 

Rating : 2 bintang 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Problem with Forever - Jennifer L Armentrout

Title : The Problem with Forever
Author : Jennifer L.Armentrout
Date of Publication : May 17th 2016
Synopsis : The Problem with Forever
Review :
We'd been separated. But we had never really been apart.

Mallory was suffering from post traumatic stress disorder as a result of being treated unfairly as a child. Childhood is supposed to be happy, innocence, something to cherish. But Mallory never felt that. All that she knew was silence is best way not to get hit. Her friend Rider swore to be her protector and will keep her safe. But he was kicked out and she was left all alone. 

Four years went by, luckily Mallory was adopted into a loving family. She decided to attend public school after years of homeschooling. And she accidentally met the guy who once promised to protect her, who always helped get through every problems she made. It was Rider.
"I'm here. You're safe, Mouse. And I know you might not believe it, but I'm going to keep you safe forever. That's a promise."
Will it ever the same again when they are finally reunited? Rider has a girlfriend now, and she doesn't look like she want to give him up for Mallory. Another problem is Mallory was assigned to do speech in front of class, and she is so bad at communication with other people due to her PSTD. Will she be able to overcome and conquer all her weaknesses? 
"Because I need to do that for myself. You can't..step in every time you think something happens. You can't always..protect me."
Mallory knows exactly that she can't depends on others for her entire life. She needs to rely on herself, believing that she can get through every single thing no matter how hard it is. She is a brave girl, the one who stood up for herself and I have so much respect for her. Meanwhile, Rider has a bad past too. But he always put Mallory first and doesn't think he is valuable enough to anyone. His life is a mess but Mallory doesn't think so. 

Mr.Santos is a one of a guy that earn my respect to a teacher. Teaching wouldn't be so hard if you only teach from textbooks. But being a good teacher means helping them through difficult times and not judging them for bad things they did on purpose or not.
"It's not about getting it right the first time and it's most definitely not about perfection, but if you try, you succeed. Just like you would in art. Or in life, for that matter. And by the looks of it, you're trying."
The Problem with Forever tells you that every person has a story, they are unique in their own ways so don't be judgmental. Put yourself in their shoes then you see it in their eyes. Not everyone is rich and raised in a good family, but that doesn't make them any less worthy. What a great story comes from this book. I have a faith on Jennifer L.Armentrout, and she never once failed me.