Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Never Too Far #2 - Abbi Glines

Title : Never Too Far #2
Author : Abbi Glines
Series : Too Far Series
Synopsis :
He had held a secret that destroyed her world. Everything she had known was no longer true. Blaire couldn’t stop loving him but she knew she could never forgive him. Now, she was back home and learning to live again. Moving on with life… until something happened to send her world spinning once again. What do you do when the one person you can never trust again is the one that you need to trust so desperately? You lie, hide, avoid, and pray that your sins never find you out. 62,776 word count

Review :

Dear Blaire, could you please just forget about Rush and start noticing the other guy, Woods which is ten thousand times better than him?
Well, if I were Blaire, I'd definitely choose Woods over Rush. No one will get hurt and there will be less drama. But I'm not Blaire, and I'm not pregnant with Rush's baby. So there you go Blaire. There's isn't much choice for you to choose and your ex boyfriend Cain is still a boy while I'm sure you don't need to take care of another people because you barely can't take care of yourself now.
"No. One. Comes. Before. You." - Rush
It's a statement that can make you fly up high but can also hurt you so much. The word isn't meant to be said after all, it's meant to be proved. There are too many misunderstanding between Rush and Blaire, and when one of them can't take it and decide to leave (Book1), I felt like screaming "Get your ass back here and solve the damn problem!!!"
"Listen to me, Blaire. If you try to go anywhere I will chase you down. I will become your shadow. I won't let you out of sight because I can't live without you. I made so many mistakes with you I don't even want to try and count them but I am going to start making things right from here on out. I swear to you that this won't happen again. I know now that this is where I'm supposed to be. No more lies. Just us."
Each character has a sad story. It begins from Abe, Blaire's father who fled from his family when they needed him the most. Rebecca, Blaire's mother who was sick then died in vain. Blaire who has nobody to lean on and is forced to live independently when she is supposed to have support from his father. But he never acted like one, and when she knew about her parents' past now, she couldn't live the same way as she did in the past few months with Rush. She thinks she can live by her own, but then she finds out that she is pregnant.

Nan, a bad childhood and being too much spoiled makes her what she is now. I couldn't blame her but what comes from her mouth for the entire time is all about her needs to be the first priority. Nan really needs to grow up and get a hold of herself.

Rush, I said at my review on the first book that I kinda hate him at the beginning but I love him eventually. Rush never loved someone before. Loving Blaire and having a thought that he could lose her any minute is new to his life. Seeing him had to choose Nan or Blaire isn't something that I like to read. No matter how I hate Nan, it's his sister and his lover after all. He is too hard on himself and I really need to give him a credit for trying the best he can to protect Blaire and the baby. He deserves a second chance because all people need that. But still, my fist want to have a taste on his face for at least once =D
"You're my world. I want everyone to know. I don't know how to date so I never even thought of taking you on date. But I can promise you right now; I will be taking you on so many damn dates that there won't be a person in this town that doesn't know I worship the ground you walk on. Forgive me for being an idiot."
Rush may be the handsomest or richest guy whatsoever, but he isn't my favorite guy. I rooted for Woods and I still do. And I'm so freakin' happy and excited to know that Abbi Glines writes him his own story for the next book. He deserves that much. It's soon to be published on April 22nd this year. Check out the synopsis on Goodreads here : Twisted Perfection

Read :
Fallen Too Far #1 - Abbi Glines

Rating : 3.5/5


  1. Wah, lanjutannya fallen to far. Aku baca buku pertamanya dulu deh baru berani baca review disini :P

    1. wahahaha ga mengandung spoiler kok Ky =D
      baca dulu yang pertama gih :)

  2. Sama TEAM WOODS!!
    Aku males baca Never Too Far. Nggak suka Fallen Too Far. tapi yang ceritanya Woods aku pengen baca. ehehehe

    1. banyakan salah pahamnya -.-
      cerita Woods harus baca \mm/
      Harus ada happy ending buat Woods hoho

  3. mau donk,,,, boleh minta ebooknya ????
    ini emailku

  4. wah karna reviewan kamu aq jd penasarn bgt ama blaire and rush..,,
    seriusan dy hamil anak Rush?? wah kasihan bgt blaire masih muda banget, harus hidup mandiri, hamil lagi, welleeh2
    #aq baru baca buku yang pertama soal.a

    oh iya aq mau ebook.a donk
    boleh ya..:D
    ini email quw

  5. Ahhh keren, blaire hamil?? Omg.. aku mau dong ebooknya bolehh iyaa :)
    Ini emailku

  6. wah akhirnya ktemu jg,,
    lo bleh aq jg mw dunk e-book'y kak ocemey,,
    nie emal'y

  7. mw jg!!!!!

  8. mw jg!!!!!

  9. mw jg!!!!!

  10. mw jg!!!!!

  11. ini pake bahasa indonesia apa inggris ? mau ebook nya dong.. kirim ke makasih..

  12. Aku jg mau doong ebook nya yg ke #2 dan #3
