
Friday, December 30, 2011

#143 Betrayal (Immortal #2) -Gillian Shields

Title : Betrayal ( Immortal #2)
Author : Gillian Shields
Series : immortal series
Publisher : Katherine Tegen Books
edition language : english
Review :
This is the second book of Immortal series. Well, I can't lie to myself and say that his book is awesome, I just can tell that this book is fine. However, I did enjoy reading it. At some point, I keep wondering of why Evie is so crazy about Sebastian. We don't fall in love with ghost, do we? Sebastian isn't a ghost who died last summer. He's been dead for centuries. He's a very old creature. Yet Evie who had fallen in love with him since the book one, always looking for him like every night and forget the risk of being found by teachers there. Love is blind or love is such a fool? Who knows? :)

This time when Evie came back to Wyldcliffe Abbey School, Sebastian wasn't there anymore. He didn't show up no matter how many times she called his name. It leads to the fact that Sebastian was actually dying and helpless. Evie wanted to help him so bad. And lucky her, she has two bestfriends, Sarah and Helen to help her to find a cure to Sebastian. Unlike the other students, Evie and her sisters knew very well about their powers. But their journey don't go smoothly because The Dark Sisters always keep an eye on them. The Dark Sisters are some teachers who are seeking immortality.

And once upon a time, Sebastian had promised them an eternity if they became his followers and gave a life of a girl for him to survive and remain young and powerful in this world. But since Sebastian met Evie, it was all changed. Well, love has its magic,huh? :) Bad guys can change into good guys, and vice versa. But it means chaos to The Dark Sisters. If Sebastian changed his mind, then they will have nothing but mortality. And that means, the war has begun. 

"There are many kinds of betrayals. There are the small ones. The unkind word, the laughter behind someone's back, the petty lies. And there are the betrayals that break hearts, destroy worlds, and turn the strong, sweet light of day into bitter dust."
What is love with a betrayal in it? What is love without trust? 
If you love someone enough, you will leave them for a better good.


  1. entah kenapa saya nggak dapet feel buku yang pertama jadi nggak niat untuk ngelanjutin ke buku yang kedua....

    agak sedikit memaksa agar mirip serial Twilight menurutku... tapi... ntar dicoba lagi dibaca ulang, mungkin feelnya bisa lebih dapet....

    nice review mey....

  2. emang enggak begitu seru rasanya. dari buku pertama juga kurang gigit ceritanya :(
    tapi karena uda baca yg pertama, ga bisa ga baca yang kedua >.< Sebastiannya juga kayaknya helpless banget jadi cowok, jadi gimana gituuu

    makasi ya :*

  3. Ada yg tau gak sih buku ketiga empatnya yg masi jual dmna??
