
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

#135 In a Class by Itself - Sandra Brown

Title : A Class by Itself
Author : Sandra Brown
Synopsis : click here (source : goodreads)
Review :
Dani Queen and Logan Webster were once a lover. They were a perfect couple until their relationship was opposed by Dani's parents. Her parents kept forced her that Logan wasn't the best for her, that he didn't have anything to give a better life for her. Dani was eighteen at that time, she was legally independent and has a right to decide her own life. But she chose to stay with her parents, moved to another city and abandoned Logan. Not that she didn't love Logan, but she was young and afraid to any possibility that could happen anytime to them.
On the other side, Logan was heartbroken, he was hurt so bad when he knew Dani left him for good. For ten years he lived in thought of her. After a decade, their school held a reunion, Logan had a chance to meet Dani again, they had missed each other for a long time but none of them want to admit it. Pride kills.
However, Logan was no longer have nothing, in fact, he worked very hard to prove to every single person who looked him down in the past that he made it now. 

Since he has almost everything right now, will her parents accept him as Dani's lover? 
Does she still loves him like before? What will he do to make Dani loves him again?

"I'm different. I've learned that life doesn't always turn out the way we want it to. Things happen. Unplanned things. Fate intervenes." 


  1. cerita ini memang menarik dan agak bikin gregetan ngeliat sikapnya Logan... tapi semuanya berubah waktu Logan tau apa yang selama ini dikerjakan dan disembunyikan Dani dari Logan...

    cerita ringan tapi menyentuh.... :)

  2. Aku suka buku ini, buku Sandra Brown yg membuat ak penasaran akan karya lainnya :)

  3. Sandra Brown penulis fav ku ^___^ tiap cerita berbeda2 dan ngangkat isu yang unik2. salah satu favku yg dosen pacaran ma mahasiswanya =DD so sweet hehe

  4. Putri@maaf baru balas. Komen kamu masuk spam jd gak kebaca >.<
    iyah, awalnya juga aku sebel ma Dani kenapa cinta tapi kok ga mau sama2, rupanya ada masalah yang membuat dia takut utk berkomitmen lagi.
    nice story :)

  5. Aku pernah baca dua buku SB tapi langsung mabok saking tebelnyaa :))

  6. kenapa?? baca yg judulnya apa ni? :)

  7. slama ini yg unnie baca ga gt tebal jdi masi ok2 aja :p
